Supporter Newsletter, July 2022

Supporter Newsletter, July 2022

Read the interactive version here:

Jet Zero Strategy

It is ironic that the launch of the Government’s Jet Zero Strategy came on the day when the hottest temperature ever recorded in the UK was at Heathrow Airport.

However sustainable and well-meaning elements of the strategy might be, the elephant in the room remains the plans to expand Heathrow.

We cannot have a third runway and expect the 260,000 additional flights per year to be running off vegetable oils or electric batteries: it’s just not realistic.

Government must now honour its pledge from September 2021, whether to review the Airports National Policy Statement on Heathrow expansion.

Additionally, we recently joined other campaign groups in writing to the Government to say that airport expansion is not compatible with plans for Jet Zero aviation. We are yet to receive a response, but you can view the letter here.

Night flights

The Government are considering temporary reductions in night flight restrictions as one of several measures being considered to deal with various backlogs in operations at the airport. We are strongly against such a move – the industry is at fault so must sort out these problems within current limits and not by impacting communities under Heathrow’s flight paths, who rely on the short break at night from operations.

We argue that it is time residents around the airport can enjoy a reduction in night flights. Click to view our letter, which was published in various titles across London and the Thames Valley.

ACTION: If you agree, please write to your MP to tell them you would like them to push for no night flights as a way to give you a better quality of life and less pollution. If you’re not sure who your MP is, find out at:

Dutch Government cuts flights at Schiphol to fight pollution
A marvellous piece of news for people living close to Schiphol airport. If only the UK Government could consider fewer flights from Heathrow, particularly at night when they are most disruptive.

As part of efforts to build back better from the pandemic (remember that phrase?), we believe that a ban on night flights, which would both benefit communities and reduce high pollution levels, would be a great way to show we are truly building back better.

Civil Aviation Authority rules Heathrow must cut its charges
The CAA has said Heathrow’s passenger charges will have to reduce from £30.19 (the current price) to £26.31 by 2026. The CAA issued an interim ruling on 28th June. The final decision for the “H7” period (which runs until December 2026) will be issued in the autumn.

Heathrow have sought higher charges to recover losses made during the pandemic and, no doubt, to build up its funds for expansion in the future, but the Airport's customers and passengers have bitterly opposed the increase.

Local activity

The Great Barn in Harmondsworth continues to be open from 11am – 4pm on the second and fourth Sunday of each month, until the end of October. If you haven’t already been there, please pay the Barn a visit – you won’t be disappointed!

The Colne Valley Park is running its usual Festival over the next couple of weeks with events all over the Park. For a full list of guided walks, family activities and open days visit Note that some free activities require advance booking.

Kind regards,
Stop Heathrow Expansion Committee
