Supporter Update, October 2021

Newsletter Update, October 2021

Read the interactive version of the newsletter here:

A missed opportunity…
In early September, the Government announced that it wouldn’t review the Airports National Policy Statement (ANPS) on Heathrow expansion “at this time”, despite public requests to do so. However, their decision doesn’t rule out a review in future when fresh policy in areas affecting Heathrow expansion become known.
SHE has just responded to consultations on two new areas of aviation policy, Jet Zero emissions and mandating the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels, which could significantly affect the proposals for Heathrow expansion laid out in the ANPS. The Government acknowledge this and say their Jet Zero Strategy sets out proposed policies that will be needed for aviation to meet net zero emissions by 2050. These are relevant when considering whether the policies set out in the ANPS would have been materially different had these circumstances been anticipated when it was designated in June 2018. 
Additionally, we know new air quality targets are being finalised as part of the Environment Bill, currently being debated in the House of Lords. Whilst the Secretary of State acknowledges that this topic does not currently constitute grounds for a review, once the targets and legislation are in place it could do so. We believe it is essential that the Government adopts World Health Organisation standards on air quality as a minimum, so will be working with the wider environmental sector to ensure that happens.

It’s a shame that by not starting a review of ANPS now, the Government is delaying what will become inevitable at the planning stage – the next formal part of the process needed for Heathrow to obtain permission to expand. A third runway at Heathrow, which would add an estimated 7 megatonnes of carbon emissions per year by 2050, is less likely to gain final approval that before the ANPS was put in place as climate laws have already been strengthened significantly.
Some press headlines following the Government’s announcement – like “removal of climate change hurdle clears way for 3rd runway” – are simply not true. Residents thus have every reason to be optimistic that the unwanted third runway is less likely to happen than ever before. It is frustrating that no Government action is being taken now in the run up to COP26, but the final result is all the time moving further away from Heathrow’s damaging desires and towards sensible, eco-friendly reductions in flights, air pollution and noise – which will require no expansion at Heathrow.

Jet Zero - Without Zero Expansion Is just More Hot Air! Thank-you to the MPs who joined us at Westminster in early September with our Jet Zero campaign banner, to highlight the hypocrisy of expanding Heathrow whilst committing to Jet Zero aviation emissions.

Transport Committee Inquiry

Parliament’s Transport Committee are holding an inquiry on the recovery of the UK aviation sector. Topics relevant to us include regional connectivity as well as sustainability. We will respond and encourage you to do so too, by 13 October.
Heathrow no. 2 polluter in the world!

It's official! Heathrow is the second highest polluting airport in the world, coming only (just) short of Dubai who took the dishonourable crown. The information, gathered by the NGO Transport & Environment, as part of a new international airport polluter map, was compiled without any expansion at Heathrow factored in; a 3rd runway would ensure Heathrow pushed into first place by a very substantial margin.

Government abolishes aircraft noise commission

In early September, the Government abolished the Independent Commission for Civil Aviation Noise (ICCAN), which oversaw the regulation of airspace and aircraft noise policy. The decision came as a surprise was not one reached through consultation with the very people it sought to represent. Although our main objective is to stop a third runway, we will fight all forms of expansion or any detriment to the quality of life for local people around Heathrow, caused by the airport.

Following its abolition, we wrote to the Government alongside dozens of other community groups near to airports from across the UK, to express disappointment and to propose key actions and changes that will be needed to accompany the transfer of responsibilities to the Civil Aviation Authority if it is to command the confidence of adversely impacted communities. You can view the letter on Airport Watch's website.

Community activities in the Heathrow Villages
Recent newsletters have flagged up some of this summer’s activities. The events have been spectacular with hundreds of residents taking part. The Community Fun Day and Edible England events at the Great Barn in Harmondsworth were very well attended, and London Open House at both the Great Barn and at Cranford Park, as well as at other sites in Hillingdon, drew their usual crowds. Archaeological excavations at Cranford made spectacular discoveries. It’s not too late to visit the Great Barn this year; the final open day for this year is on Sunday 24 October, from 11am - 4pm; see for how to get there.

 The Community Fun Day in Harmondsworth at the Great Barn, August 2021.

Thanks for reading our Newsletter. Please forward it on to anyone who you think might be interested, and encourage them to sign up as a supporter.

Warm Regards,
Stop Heathrow Expansion Committee
