Hurdles Heathrow can never jump
Seven hurdles that Heathrow can never jump get a third runway are the focus of an anti-runway campaign that begins on Monday 22nd February.
An Ad-van will spend three days travelling around London and the South East to highlight the seven hurdles – Security, Homes, Noise, Pollution, Costs, Climate and Opposition.
The campaign will be launched at Chiswick Town Hall, Heathfield Terrace W4 4JH with 7ft high hurdles representing seven reasons that stand in the way of Heathrow’s ambitions to expand.
Various anti-runway groups are involved. John Stewart from Hacan, one of the main organisers said, “There are so many hurdles in the way of building a third runway that we believe it is simply not deliverable. The aim of this short campaign is to get this message across to the Government found and clear.
“We will also be emailing all MPs spelling out the reasons why a third runway may never see the light of day.”
The campaign will spell out some of the less well-known facts about Heathrow expansion, such as the cost to the average family. Even if people don’t fly, they will end up paying for Heathrow expansion and continue to pay for years to come. The airport would pay for the runway itself but much of the cost of the associated road and rail infrastructure would fall on the taxpayer. Heathrow plans to increase freight, which will take its toll on the roads. While profits will go to foreign investors, the British taxpayer will foot the bill to maintain the roads and repair the damage caused by the huge freight vehicles.
Schedule: Monday 22nd – 9.30am Chiswick Town Hall, 11am Lampton Park Car Park, Lampton Road, Hounslow TW3 4DN, 12 noon Grow Heathrow, Vineries Close, Sipson UB7 0AG. 12.15pm Harmondsworth Village Green, UB7 0AQ, 2.30pm Eton
Tuesday 23rd – 8.15am Royal Aeronautical Society, 4 Hamilton Place, W1J 7BQ, 10.30am Dulwich Village, 1.30pm College Green, Westminster, 3.45pm Royal Docks, Theresa Johanna Boat, King George V Way, E16 6NJ, 4.45pm Riverside Cafe, Whipps Cross Road, Leytonstone E11 1NW
Wednesday 24th – 8.45am Willesden Magistrates Court, High Street, Willesden NW19 2DZ – Sentencing of the Heathrow 13 protestors.
Heathrow Villages residents show the impossibly high hurdles