Heathrow 13 “adopted” by village residents
Valentine’s Day was an appropriate day for village residents and campaigners to show their heart-felt support for the 13 activists whose protest against a third runway could lead them to a prison sentence later this month.
A sad Valentine's Day message from residents whose homes are under threat.
Residents were keen to “adopt” the residents and show a commitment to keeping in touch with them, particularly through the tough time of sentencing on 24th February and possible prison terms. Thirteen people were chosen and they drew names from a glass to match them with an activist. It was a fun event but showed solidarity against a common enemy – airport expansion.
Life-long resident Sheila Taylor joins her adopted activist Sam in cutting the cake.
The Heathrow 13 celebrated in icing sugar
The four activists who were unable to attend missed out on the heart-warming event but were represented by their photo and were there in spirit – as well as being on a beautiful hand-made cake baked by the mother of one of the Heathrow 13.
The official cake had the message “Heathrow – You’re breaking our heart”.
The hardiest attendees went outside on the village green for a group photo to mark the occasion. In addition to photographers there were reporters from BBC London and ITV Meridian.
The Heathrow activists in high spirits after receiving such heart-warming support from residents and campaigners.
A group braved the bitter winter wind for a photo on the village green.
The afternoon was funded by public donation and SHE would like to thank all those who contributed to making this a brilliant event. Special thanks to The Five Bells for all their help.