Come to the High Court and support the legal challenges against Heathrow expansion
If you have some free time in the next week, please feel very welcome to come to the High Court and support the legal challenges against Heathrow expansion.
You can view the Court Timetable at:-
Timetable For Judicial Review - Teddington Action Group.
Or, you can read the day's transcript at:-
Heathrow Claimants -v- The Secretary of State for Transport: Transcripts
Directions on how to find Court room 76
Every day we are finding out something new that the very strong Aviation Lobby don't want us to know… be it the effect on our health of the deadly invisible N02 fumes coming out the back of every jet engine, or the effects of noise on children’s development. With regards to Climate Change, only yesterday we all thought Aviation accounts for 2% of CO2 emissions, but the Dutch found that figure is closer to 20% - they may be wrong - but check their figures out at Here at Heathrow, we have this very small window of opportunity to tell the Government to Stop Heathrows Expansion - please do try and come along to court and show the Judges that we will not allow the 3rd Runway to go ahead.