Legal battle over Heathrow expansion begins
The 5 challenges against the 3rd Runway started today at The Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, London at 10:30am. But before that, there was an early morning demonstration outside in the front of the Courts. There were a good number of attendees including John McDonnell MP, Zac Goldsmith MP, Andy Slaughter MP and various Council leaders, including Ray Puddifoot who is leader of the Hillingdon Council - where Heathrow is situated. The new ‘Stop 700 More’ T-shirts and banners made a good show for the photographers – thanks to Neil for getting the group going and producing such an eye-catching design. We had several new supporters sign up this morning.
John McDonnell MP, Zac Goldsmith MP, Andy Slaughter MP and various Council leaders, including Leader of Hillingdon Council (where Heathrow is situated) Ray Puddifoot
A few of the protesters listening to speeches outside the Courts this morning.
With opposition growing - the 3rd Runway at Heathrow wont ever be built. Investors - you are wasting your money if you think otherwise.
“Stop 700 More” flights a day Group Members and banners outside court today.