Find out the real history of Heathrow expansion

If you read "Our history" on Heathrow's website,, you would be led to believe that back in 1944 the ancient agricultural village of Heath Row was destroyed to create a military airfield. There is no mention of Lord Balfour, who as Air Minister had deceived Churchill's Cabinet had the idea to use wartime powers to avoid public debate and take the land from the people living and working there. He boasted in his 1973 memoir that the plan was always for a post-war civilian airport not a military one. 

Since then, the remaining villages in the area have been repeatedly under threat from an airport that never stops making plans to grow bigger and puts profit above any consideration for its neighbours. 

On Saturday afternoon, 2nd September at 12pm there is a rare opportunity to hear about "The History of Heathrow Expansion" from the local historian who has spent decades opposing expansion at the airport and almost as long researching and writing books on the area. 

Philip Sherwood is well known for his informative talks on the history of Heathrow and often mentions that he attended the very first "No Third Runway" meeting in 1947!  Unfortunately, now that he is in his 80s, he has cut back on speaking engagements so such events have become special occasions. In fact, this talk will be filmed for posterity. 

Philip is a retired chemist who as a Principal Scientific Officer in the Scientific Civil Service worked for the Transport (formerly Road) Research Laboratory and for the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. He has been involved in numerous groups and societies aimed at protecting our heritage. Having lived on the airport's doorstep all his life, Philip can truly speak about the impact Heathrow has had on local residents. 

Find out more by heading along to St Mary's Church Hall, Harmondsworth Village at 12pm. Entry is Free. 

Stop Heathrow Expansion