New aircraft noise baffles Maidenhead shoppers
Loud aircraft noise surprised lunchtime shoppers in Maidenhead on Saturday when a van emblazoned with “No Third Runway” signs travelled round the streets with loud speakers to give a taste of things to come if a third runway goes ahead.
An open door (and loads of signs) hinted at the source of the aircraft noise in the high street
The van was joined by around 25 cars containing residents from areas that would be severely affected by the proposed Heathrow expansion. Another runway would bring new flight paths and an additional 260,000 flight. The impact would be felt in Maidenhead, which is in Prime Minister Theresa May’s constituency,
Some of the campaigners set off from Harmondsworth village, which is under threat
A group of anti-expansion campaigners handed out leaflets in the town centre but the sound of aircraft noise baffled many shoppers who looked up to the sky, having not experienced aircraft noise at this level before and wondering why aircraft were overhead.
It's not just about noise, it's about air pollution and our children's future too
Some realised what was happening when they spotted the van and noticed yellow “No Third Runway” flags fluttering above the roofs of many of the cars travelling on the local roads.
Flying the flag through Maidenhead
There was also a large police presence in the Maidenhead Station area at the time as campaign group Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) were gathering for a totally unrelated protest to block the A380 at 2pm – by which time the No Third Runway protesters had driven home.
All living creatures deserve clean air - they don't need more runways