Heathrow expansion not in Queen's Speech
With the government having to re-assess many of its previously announced intentions, it was noted there was no mention at all of Heathrow expansion in the Queen's Speech this morning.
There had been a weak reference to delivering Heathrow expansion in the Conservative Party Manifesto but that manifesto has been blamed for losing Theresa May seats in parliament.
The 82-page 'Background Briefing' notes, issued by the Government to explain in greater detail the measures for a two-year parliamentary period, also lacks any mention of Heathrow expansion. There will not be another Queen's Speech until 2019.
The No Third Runway Coalition, which includes politicians and groups fighting Heathrow expansion, has issued a press release that points out that the proposed new runway would have a widely-felt impact and affect multiple areas of Government policy. It says: "In particular, legislation may be necessary to ensure that to the UK’s climate change commitments and air quality strategies are adhered to, especially once the UK leaves the EU."
“In light of the Queen’s Speech, it is clear that Government do not plan on keeping to many of their manifesto pledges. One has to wonder whether the absence of any reference to Heathrow indicates a dissipating of the Government commitment to expansion.”
The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has also just launched a draft Transport Strategy, which included an explicit commitment to oppose Heathrow expansion, including expressing concerns about air pollution and lack of surface access assurances.