Free Buses to Runway Consultation for those under threat
There is a free bus services to the Government consultation event in West Drayton on Saturday 4th March 2017
People living in the Heathrow Villages (Harmondsworth, Harlington, Longford, Sipson and Cranford) will be the most severely impacted if a third runway is built – yet the Department for Transport has NO CONSULTATION EVENTS IN THOSE VILLAGES.
Following complaints, the Department for Transport (DfT) has now organised free bus services so residents can attend the consultation event in West Drayton (open 10am-5pm) on Saturday 4th March.
If you have questions about these services or want information about the consultation, visit: or call the DfT on 0800 689 4968 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. You can request a paper version of the response form.
Services will run throughout the day at the same minutes past each hour, with the last buses to the event departing from Longford and Harlington at 1600. The last return bus will leave the event after it closes at 1700.
Harlington and Sipson to West Drayton
White Hart, Harlington Departs 1000 and 1030
Park Inn, Sipson Departs 1010 and 1040
Hair by Jackie, Sipson Departs 1015 and 1045
Destination: Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre Arrives 1025 and 1055
Return journey 1030 and 1100
Arrives 1040 and 1110 at Hair by Jackie, Sipson
Arrives 1045 and 1115 at Park Inn, Sipson
Arrives 1055 and 1125 at White Hart, Harlington
Longford and Harmondsworth to West Drayton
White Horse, Longford
Departs1000 and 1030 then every hour on the hour and at half past the hour
London Hong Kong, Bath Rd Departs 1005 and 1035
The Five Bells, Harmondsworth Departs 1015 and 1045
Destination: Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre Arrives 1025 and 1055
Return journey 1030 and 1100
Arrives 1045 and 1115 at The Five Bells, Harmondsworth
Arrives 1055 and 1125 at London Hong Kong Restaurant, Bath Rd
Arrives at 1100 and 1130 at White Horse, Longford
Remember to ask about pollution, noise, traffic and where they will put the thousands of displaced people. They are not telling people about flight paths or the changes to our road system, including the diversion of the A4. This would mean that the people in West Drayton would get increased noise and pollution from both the third runway and a busier M4 and the newly diverted A4.
Even if you are not in the demolition zone or the wider compensation area, do not assume that a third runway would not adversely affect you. This area would pay a very high price to increase Heathrow's profits.
If you have questions about these services or want information about the consultation, visit: or call the DfT on 0800 689 4968 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. You can request a paper version of the response form.