Campaigners Mark 6th Anniversary of Cameron's No Third Runway Promise

Campaigners against Heathrow’s third runway marked the 6th anniversary of David Cameron’s No Ifs, No Buts, No Third Runway speech by taking a large model aircraft to Downing Street – just as they learned that the head of the Civil Service instructed Conservative not to make comments on the proposed third runway.

Model plane lands outside the Downing Street gates

Model plane lands outside the Downing Street gates

Harmondsworth villager makes sure that protesters are heard

Harmondsworth villager makes sure that protesters are heard

On 19th October 2006 David Cameron, then leader of the opposition, made his now famous promise in a speech at a rally in Christ School in Richmond. When the Coalition Government came to power in 2010 it ruled out any new runways for the duration of that Parliament. But in 2012 it set up the Airports Commission, under Sir Howard Davies, to look at the case for new runways.

Stop Heathrow Expansion - as the lorry delivering to Downing Street says, "Simple....isn't it?"

Stop Heathrow Expansion - as the lorry delivering to Downing Street says, "Simple....isn't it?"

In July of this year the Commission recommended a third runway at Heathrow. The Prime Minister is announce the government’s response to that recommendation by the end of the year.

Stop Heathrow Expansion