Come along to Stop Heathrow Expansion meeting
Following John McDonnell MP’s packed public meeting recently, residents' campaign group Stop Heathrow Expansion (SHE) is holding its AGM on Monday 14th November.
Come along and join us St Mary's Church Hall (behind St Mary's Church), Harmondsworth, Middlesex UB7 0AG. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
Guests include John Stewart of HACAN and, if his parliamentary schedule permits, John McDonnell MP.
This is an ideal opportunity for residents under threat to get the latest information on the campaign, ask questions and even take a more active role in the fight against a third runway, which would destroy up to 3,750 homes.
We will also be electing the committee, including our Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
We are also encouraging people to stand for election to the committee. Being a committee member requires as little or as much commitment as you are happy to offer. We have monthly meetings, with many events and discussions inbetween. There are 10 places on our committee, which will be chosen at the meeting.
If you would like to stand for election to the committee, simply send us a short message to of why you would like to stand and what you could offer us by 5pm on Saturday 12 November 2016. Please make it no longer than one paragraph!
Can't attend the meeting or would like to stay informed? Sign up to our mailing list (1-2 emails per month) using the button at the bottom of the page.
If you don't already, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates.
John McDonnell MP's packed meeting of concerned residents following the government's announcement