Boris says Heathrow runway is undeliverable
Boris Johnson MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip, which is in the borough most affected by Heathrow expansion, has stated that a third runway at Heathrow is undeliverable.
As Foreign Secretary and a member of the Cabinet, Boris expressed his gratitude for being allowed to voice his opposition to a third runway for the time being at least.
Residents know pollution is a major problem
He told the BBC, "Building a third runway smack bang in the middle of the western suburbs of the greatest city on Earth is not the right thing to do. No other world city would dream of subjecting so many hundreds of thousands of people to more noise pollution in the way that a third runway would and what I worry about is that down the line, if and when a third runway are to be built, and I don't think it would be, there would be an overwhelming clamour to build a fourth runway as soon as it was completed and then what would London be like?"
Boris Johnson then imagined how London would look in years to come with aircraft dominating the skies overhead when compared with other capitals such as New York and Paris.
Boris has not forgotten his plan for a new airport that was one of around 50 schemes dismissed by Sir Howard Davies when he compiled the Airports Commission report.
Boris Johnson MP currently given permission to voice his objections
Boris told the BBC, "Long ago when I was Mayor for London, we put forward plans for a four-runway 24-hour hub airport that would launch this country abroad and give us fantastic connectivity with the rest of the world. Had we got going then, with that project, we would be half or even two thirds of the way down the track."
Shortly afterwards, Shadow Aviation Minister Richard Burden MP asked the question "What is the country going to do in the ten years while we wait for this to be built?" John Holland-Kaye Heathrow's CEO has said he wants to put another 20,000 flights on its existing runways in 2021. Funny how the airport is full when it says it needs a runway but now has spare capacity and is just waiting for planning permission before it increases the hell for people in the South East.
Labour's Richard Burden MP says it wants the issues of noise and air quality to be addressed and wants to know what will happen to "our other international gateways across the UK". (These will be constrained due to climate change targets.)
John Holland Kaye CEO Heathrow Airport crowed, "This is a momentous day."
When questioned about the destruction he claimed that Harmondsworth Barn (a 15th-century piece of English Heritage) and church (12th century) would be protected. This is a nonsense. Both treasured buildings would be dangerously close to the runway and without the community that ensures their survival. There is no chance that they would remain for long after a third runway was built. Anyone who cares about the historical heritage of this country must oppose this expansion.